The 20 big questions in science
From the nature of the universe (that's if there is only one) to the purpose of dreams, there are lots of things we still don't know – but we might do soon. A new book seeks some answers
1. What is the universe made of?
Astronomers face an embarrassing conundrum: they don't know what 95% of the universe is made of. Atoms, which form everything we see around us, only account for a measly 5%. Over the past 80 years it has become clear that the substantial remainder is comprised of two shadowy entities – dark matter and dark energy. The former, first discovered in 1933, acts as an invisible glue, binding galaxies and galaxy clusters together. Unveiled in 1998, the latter is pushing the universe's expansion to ever greater speeds. Astronomers are closing in on the true identities of these unseen interlopers.
2 How did life begin?
Four billion years ago, something started stirring in the primordial soup. A few simple chemicals got together and made biology – the first molecules capable of replicating themselves appeared. We humans are linked by evolution to those early biological molecules. But how did the basic chemicals present on early Earth spontaneously arrange themselves into something resembling life? How did we get DNA? What did the first cells look like? More than half a century after the chemist Stanley Miller proposed his "primordial soup" theory, we still can't agree about what happened. Some say life began in hot pools near volcanoes, others that it was kick-started by meteorites hitting the sea.
3 Are we alone in the universe?
Perhaps not. Astronomers have been scouring the universe for places where water worlds might have given rise to life, from Europa and Mars in our solar system to planets many light years away. Radio telescopes have been eavesdropping on the heavens and in 1977 a signal bearing the potential hallmarks of an alien message was heard. Astronomers are now able to scan the atmospheres of alien worlds for oxygen and water. The next few decades will be an exciting time to be an alien hunter with up to 60bn potentially habitable planets in our Milky Way alone.
4 What makes us human?
Just looking at your DNA won't tell you – the human genome is 99% identical to a chimpanzee's and, for that matter, 50% to a banana's. We do, however, have bigger brains than most animals – not the biggest, but packed with three times as many neurons as a gorilla (86bn to be exact). A lot of the things we once thought distinguishing about us – language, tool-use, recognising yourself in the mirror – are seen in other animals. Perhaps it's our culture – and its subsequent effect on our genes (and vice versa) – that makes the difference. Scientists think that cooking and our mastery of fire may have helped us gain big brains. But it's possible that our capacity for co-operation and skills trade is what really makes this a planet of humans and not apes.
Both sides have made their arguments - Let the QLers decide
Never see superman 2? There were 3 other superman from krypton....
Anyway this is about science not religion. It's about answering questions we don't know the answer to yet, not trying to interpret stories in a book
if according to u there are 2 or 20 wont they fight for power like how america does invade and wants to be the super most
one god is enough, we use the word god made the world in 7 days..Not gods
In film u see one superman not 100 super man for the same film
Why is it logically necessary that there is only one?
Why not two Gods, or twenty Gods? Why doesn't this God make more Gods?
The Creator Cannot Create Himself - He is the sole Creator - He is the One Almighty
Exactly the whole argument that there is creation so there must be a Creator undermines itself!
If there can't be creation without without a creator then who created the creator?
And then who created his creator etc etc etc
If there is a creation, there must be a Creator.
If there is a Creator, He must be the Sustainer.
The Creator Cannot Create Himself.
If He is the sole Creator/Sustainer -- He must be ONE.
The official Vatican position:
"Since it has been demonstrated that all living organisms on earth are genetically related, it is virtually certain that all living organisms have descended from this first organism. ... While the story of human origins is complex and subject to revision, physical anthropology and molecular biology combine to make a convincing case for the origin of the human species in Africa about 150,000 years ago in a humanoid population of common genetic lineage."
Verse 14 of chapter 71 says that He has created you stage by stage"
Yet the theory of evolution doesn't explain the origins of the universe,the laws of science or our objective moral values.
I would request Mr. MOD to either move this thread to a perfect group or allow us to debate from all dimensions or at least to mention to have logical discussion and to keep the topic away from not only religious but also anti_religious comments..
Thank you.
"They believe" in evolution
Scientists boast theories and conjecture, stringing probability, unfounded ideas and even chance. After much discussion and blind absorbtion further theories are put forward to support ones already faltering. There comes a time when no one scientific theory can be proven conclusively. Theories that cannot be proven are believed not upon fact but upon the fallable word put forward by scientists. Many theories evolve, are contradictory to other scientific theories and are at times at odds with themselves.
Thank you moderator. It gets a little tiring having people poke fun at the religious beliefs of others.
Please keep religion out of this debate - Thanks
Babu please don't insult the religious beliefs of Catholics. They believe in evolution, and believe that man is descended from the same genetic origin as all animals and plants.
Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) was the first man and he did not evolve from another mammal
Scientists "say" that human being were in a form of ape like mammal. Then stage by stage and step by step their form were changing and progressing and finally reached the form of present day man (Evolution Theory). The changing of form and progressing step by step took millions and millions of years.
Yes. We dont know so many things.
It is very clear that
Whatever begins to exist has a cause.
The universe began to exist.
Therefore, the universe has a cause and that cause should be uncreated.
Hence we call "Lam Yalid, Walam Yulad" :)
Good to know that Astronomers are hazy about what constitutes 95% of the Universe, yet they always come up with facts..
Since when has science got anything to do with atheism? Even the vatican has a science division are they atheists too?
Mad person..And please this should go in atheist group