Some many cats, So many generations, Few Monkeys

The term "People Power" looks very inspiring in Motivational Speeches and Quotes, sadly it really does not exist in the real life.
As soon a Cat gets a bread, another cat jumps in or forced to jump in to claim that the bread belongs to him. A monkey pops up from somewhere to eat some bread or at least to support the one who gives him more bread or at least promises to listen to him. Sometimes the bread is democracy, sometimes it is dictatorship. Sometimes it is just an irrational or imbalanced threat to the world.
Unfortunately those cats and monkeys just pretend or really unaware of the fact that the bread is not their property.
They are fighting for a bread which is made for innocent civilians who wakes up in the morning with a very simple dream to feed themselves and their family and to have a loving and peaceful time with the one they love.
They are fighting for a bread of those innocent kids who are suppose to chase butterflies in the playground but unfortunately cuz of these cats and monkeys those innocent kids are ending up their lives chasing a handful of food.
They are fighting for a bread of those mothers who once had a dream to see their kids grow and live a happy and peaceful life and now they will have a dream to see their kids getting a piece of used cloth and a shoe.
They are fighting for a bread of those grown up girls and boys who once had a dream to live a happily married life and now they are forced to sell their body to feed their old parents.
Those butterflies, those school and universities, those wedding rings and wedding dresses will miss them so much.
My heart goes to you all, I know I can't do anything except writing few words but you all are so close to my heart than my own self as you are always in my mind.
Landlover, any time.And thank you for your kind and appreciative words. :)
Its very rare I get angry, I get sad though. You are such a good friend. :) I appreciate it. Thanks a million. :)
landlover, you should NOT try to stay away, this would ,again, give the negative energy. Look at what ever is there. Without anger, without fear..cultivate compassion and caring without sadness.
The time it takes is the time it takes for you to make a decision about it.
Yes. You are absolutely right. For the same reason I created this page Sanity to cultivate positivity in me and my surrounding but it takes time. I cant keep myself away from media and media is full of such violence, injustice, innocent suffering.
Landlover,I understand. I felt like that for a very long time. But the way I/you/anybody feels, especially since the feelings are negative, are of not good use.
The only thing that CAN help, is to concentrate on the positive much as possible. The more power is given to the negative, the more powerful it becomes...vice versa with the positive.
Unfortunately, most people's thoughts are drawn to the negative, hence, most people's actions are negative.
You are right Nommy Doll but these wars for material things keeps me awake thinking the solutions from the knowledge I have, unfortunately it is just a droplet.
landlover, it is good to care and to have empathy and compassion. What is not good is to let it "get to you". If your emotions are allowed free reign, you are not able to think clearly and act in the best interest of yourself and those around you.
Please delete the other thread.