Are you hooked on Coffee

If coffee perks you up, you need to STOP drinking it: That pick-me-up shows you're hooked
Regular consumption of tea and coffee leads to dependency
Every morning, millions of people perform an essential daily ritual - having their first cup of tea or coffee. It concentrates the mind and acts as a pick-me-up.
Or does it? The latest research suggests that familiar buzz doesn't so much as give us a lift, but fights the caffeine withdrawal symptoms - fatigue, mental fogginess and a dull headache - that have kicked in since our last cup.
Indeed, experts suggest that this morning ritual is actually a sign of mass drug dependency.
Shaking the habitual: Many can't start the day without a cup of tea or coffee, but it's been proven that caffeine doesn't actually jump start your brain
'People who consume caffeine regularly will become dependent on it - if you take caffeine away from them, they will function below par,' says Peter Rogers, professor of biological psychology at Bristol University and a leading expert on caffeine.
'They just don't function normally without the drug on board. If it's your first tea or coffee of the day, it gets you back to normal, but beyond that you don't get much more of a kick.'
Professor Rogers has studied coffee and its effects for more than 20 years and, as a result, he and other members of his team have given up caffeine.
'On balance, caffeine is not particularly helpful. It triggers withdrawal and increases your blood pressure, which is not a good thing,' he says.
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First Things First that is Tea and not only we are addicted for it but many of us having severe damages from this liquid but to do yani............:)
Better a few mins of good morning kisses. :)
Lol Sulie.. even obama watches Al Jazeera.. I am not sure when.. :) dont think too would be disgusting..
Who cares. Better coffee than cigarettes or booze or anything else.
KR,, Al Jazeera is worse than the Coffee ,,, Lols
The first thing in the morning for me is Al Jazeera with a cup of strong tea before I start the ablutions...and that's the only time in the day I ever have tea or any kind of beverage.
Karak also has caffeine. The Taninine will make your teeth go yyellow - as experienced by rizks.
Guys don't worry
Don't depend on that mean selfish Coffee
I can Kick anybody ,, Just call me on the HOTLINE :O)
Early morning lol it is not early at 8 30 - a cup of green tea
11 - a cup of coffee
2 30 - a cup of green tea
I want to go green totally cheating with a cup of coffee a day is ok for me..
Nothing beats the early morning 'Karak' to 'kick' start me
That fresearch says "Although we cannot infer a causal relationship between coffee drinking and lower risk of death, we believe these results do provide some reassurance that coffee drinking does not adversely affect health."
I'll stop tomorrow.
for those who have invested money in coffee producing companies ...
After the Coffee cups failed to wake me up i am thinking to take it as injections ,,
But am not addicted :/
Prof. Rogers didn't realize' in his experiment conclusion that Rizks Emporium is already exist 3 decade ago & its too late to warn those addicted in coffee.
Nothing can STOP me by selling Karak at my Emporium ! :(
People are addicted to my chai and i will make sure to add more drug in it so tat they are totally addicted to it and come again and again and so on.....:)
I am addicted to coffee and depend on it to get me thru the day.. I drink three cups of black coffee a day, no sugar added. What will it do to me? So far has not done anything and I don' think three cups of zero calorie beverage is going to cause me any harm.
Not anymore..still miss the "kick"!!
''People who consume caffeine regularly will become dependent on it ... ''
People who marry & remain that way will become dependent on their spouses !
Rizks must close his karak factory. :)
What made him to go so deep after coffee ?
he is leading by example ...
Good contribution for the society ... by Professor Rogers as he has studied coffee and its effects for more than 20 years ...
OMG I am an addict ... and i have a tendency to be a drug addict ...
more coffee plzzzzzzzz !!!!