supervisor/technisian family visa
By ahmedmohd4u@gma... •
dear friends
can anybody tell me whether i can get family residence/visit visa for supervisor/technisian working in contracting co.
please reply me.
thank you
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If your salary less is than 10000 Riyal, you can only apply for visit visa, which could be extended upto 6 months. 200 Riyal/ can get this visa in 1 or 2 days after applying. You need house contract, NOC letter, your RP copy, labour contract, attested marraige certificate to apply for visit visa.
Dear Sir
Thank you for your prompt reply.
I am diploma in mechanical engineer so I will get supervisor/technician visa. In this case I will get family residence visa or family visit visa.
Please advise me.
Thank you
If you are on Supervisor, Engineer or upgraded visa then you can sponsor your family either on family visa or family visit visa provided that your salary is at least QAR10K (for family residence visa) or QAR5K (for family visit visa). If your visa is technician or downgraded, you can still sponsor a family visit visa. Thanks!