Double-standards of Arab Media

By MarcoNandoz-01 •
Mainstream Arabian media cries day and night about Syria, Egypt, Iraq, the Sunnis/ Shi'ites foolish wars, the Arab/Israelis endless conflicts, Iranian bombs the ragheads of Hezbullah, the Taliban, and the list goes on.
. But what about the Middle-Eastern Christians dilemma?
Why the shallow coverage of the 2 Assyrian Bishops kidnapped by the Syrian rebels? .
Why the Western Media cares more about Iranians alleged N-clear bombs than the sufferings of the Christians in this region?
It goes to reason to assume that every channel has an an Islamic channel broadcasts Islamic material...a comedy channel broadcasts comedy shows etc etc
With that in many Christian Arab channels are there total??? and based on the vast number in difference does it make sense that there is less coverage of the incident???
have their shares of biases and double standards. Which is why one simply cannot believe everything that is reported and broadcast regardless of how convincing it appears.
The kidnappings, just like the recently discovered chemical weapon usage by the rebels, are indeed shocking and somehow show they(the rebels) may not be all that they have claimed to represent. A sad plight indeed for the Syrian people!
If Fox News, for instance, stopped talking about the suffering of the Palestinians in Israel, and instead focused on the systematic removal of Christians from places like Bethlehem, support for Israel amongst Right Wing Christian Fundamentalists for Israel would decline overnight.
And that's exactly why they don't focus on the suffering of the Christians.
Media has its own biases.
Also, because they were kidnapped by the rebels , it is kept low key. Similar to the news that it was the rebels who used chemical weapons recently and tried to blame it on Assad's forces..
media ppl suffer from nick pain n they want to see all uncensored stuff
Media worldwide whether in the Middle east or in the west is very much opinionated and is very influencial.