Salary of a business analyst in NIIT ?
By hi2ueverybody •
Dear Qlrs,
One of my friend got an offer for the post of a Business Analyst in NIIT but they are asking his expected salary ,can anyone tell how much he can expect ? or what is the average salary pack.for the same post in NIIT ? Anyone working there ??
Thanks in advance.
loginkhaja-thanks ,he has almost 10+ yrs of experience & got interviewed by NIIT technologies.
Hassan-Thanks for your reply.
pratap1970-thanks for your reply,yah he does not know because he is first time coming in gulf & he tried to search on some job sites but here as you know the different salary standarad by different companies,isn't it ??
A Business Analyst..hmmm..if he does not know how much he should get or be asking , is he fit to fill in that position?
Depend on your qualification and background of the company
Business Analyst in any sector should go for Qrs. 18,000 package with some benefits, if he has tremendous experience.
If he is junior grade experienced and no GCC experience, then he is eligible for Qrs. 12,000 + benefits.
Whatever the case, it cannot be less than Qrs. 10,000/
Wish him all the best!