Rental Agreement with Real estate agent & Baldiya Attestation
Hi all
Can anyone advise if I got this right.
I am dealing with real estate agency (registerded in Qatar as WLL) who has rented the property from Land lord to sub let & he has the permission from land lord to sublet the property.
I would like to have the tenancy contract between myself & real estate attested from Baldiya.
From various anwers on QL, I under stand the attesttaion only takes place on Sunday, Tuesday & Wednesday at Municiplaity Office. Can any one confirm if this is correct
For the attestation I require the following:
1. 3 copies of agreement bewteen me & real estate -This contract is in English
2- Application form from Baldiya which is in Arabic Only - can I have it filled from any typing center, or does it need to be from the typing center located in the municipality building
3. building owner i.d. copy
4. copy of my i.d.
5. elect & water number
6. copy of commercial record of real estate
7. copy of commercial permit of real estate
8- is there any other fee
9- From various record I have estimated the time it takes to get all the documents attested is arround an hour- is this a correct estimate
My real estate agent tells me that land lord already paid 1% when he made the contract between Land Lord & Real estate, so no need to pay 1% now. Plus he said that Land title and authorization letter isn’t required as the property I am renting is already registered with Baldiya by the land lord
Secondly do I also need a copy of real esate Authorsied Signatory card.
Lastly , do I need to go with real estate agent to baldiya office or as long as i have signed both the English agreement and the Arabic applcation form and he can do it on my behlaf and give me the attested agreement later. Saves me taking time off from work