Iraq - the Killings go on

Whilst we focus on Syria, the destruction in Iraq continues. The press has all but forgotten about the country..
April Iraq's deadliest month in almost five years
Iraq suffered its most violent month for almost five years in April when 712 people were killed across the country, the United Nations has said.
This rising drumbeat of violence reflects an increasingly bitter political conflict. Nouri al-Maliki, the prime minister of a Shia-led government, has been accused of naked sectarianism, purging members of the Sunni minority from his administration.
Having boycotted the previous poll, Sunnis voted in large numbers during the last election in 2010 and the party they mainly favoured, Iraqiya, came first with 91 seats compared to Mr Maliki's 89.
But the prime minister put together a coalition that allowed him to stay in power and then used his victory to sack key Sunni politicians, notably Rafie al-Issawi, the respected finance minister, who was dismissed in December.
When Sunnis demonstrated against what they viewed as a Shia sectarian government, they were often bloodily repressed. Last month, the security forces destroyed a protest camp in the Sunni town of Hawija, killing at least 20 people.
"What the Sunnis did in 2010 was to invest in the ballot box," said Toby Dodge, the author of "Iraq: From War to a New Authoritarianism". "Since then, they have been systematically betrayed in their investment in democracy."
Armed Sunni extremists fighting to overthrow Mr Maliki's government now have more popular support. Al-Qaeda's organisation in the country – which styles itself the Islamic State of Iraq – has carried out a series of highly sophisticated attacks on government targets.
In March, they destroyed the justice ministry with four bombs, killing at least 20 people. Last year, al-Qaeda was down to a few hundred operatives in Iraq. Today, experts believe it has about 2,000.
The UN's assistance mission, which tracks the level of violence in Iraq, said that "712 people were killed and another 1,633 were wounded in acts of terrorism and acts of violence" during the course of April.
Of the dead, 595 were civilians and a further 117 were security force personnel. Almost 30 per cent of all the killings took place in Baghdad.
The violence is still much lower than during the bloodiest days of a sectarian civil war in 2006, when between 2,000 and 3,000 were killed every month. But the rising trend is of concern to Western governments.
"First the Sunnis were ignored and then they were suppressed," said Mr Dodge. "This is helping to cause growing alienation."
Mr Maliki commands one of the largest military machines in the world: the combined strength of Iraq's security forces totals 933,000 soldiers – or 18 per cent of the entire male workforce.
As well as the increasingly sectarian nature of the domestic political battle, the conflict in Syria is also worsening the situation in Iraq. Mr Maliki is quietly helping his old ally, Iran, to prop up President Bashar al-Assad's regime.
The Iraqi leader does not want Mr Assad to fall because this would almost certainly lead to a Sunni government taking power in Syria. Any such regime in Damascus would be able to arm their co-religionists over the border in Iraq's vast western desert province of Anbar.
But Mr Maliki's undeclared backing for Mr Assad also helps to stir the resentment of Iraqi Sunnis.
who ever has created the sect sunni and shia are responsible for themselves and for the killings.
brit ,,, I mean the presidents should understand "Democracy"
but the people sure, they need time but first they have to understand "The Priories"
then they have also to stop thinking about anything else but the Country Weal, what i see now is "Sectarian", they forgot why they started that "Spring".
what a pity
Democracy does not happen overnight. You have to plant the seed and it takes time to flourish..
Bring Sadaam back!
It almost looks like people can only be stopped from killing each other if there is a leader with absolute power in place.
Well just think of it like this.. the world has got fed up with trying to help that country when all they are interested is in killing each other. The other countries want to move on while Iraq wants to take itself back to the stoneage
When people start to understand what does the word "Democracy" means, everything will be solved.
Leaner: People killing each other over an incident that took place 100’s of yrs ago.
Talk about stupid!
Sulieman, I know Iraq's problem didn't start after arab spring. But even after the much celebrated arab spring also, y none of those countries are not able to settle down??
The so called demecratically elected governments are not able to bring in unity among its people.....
That's religion for you.
The two biggest power icons Saddam & Gadaffi... both gone... & their wealth pocketed... Next is Assad... then Kuwait? or Saudi?
I am Not Muslim Not Hindi and nor Christian and Not Buddha !!
I am Human and Humanity Is My religion !!!
Conclude We all are same Even whatever we are :(
And the World is Watching Drama in GULF STATE there is nothing could be happen by any SUPPORT & OPPOSE !!
We have to make our country our self Nobody will build our House :((
It is our problem only. Democracy is not suitable for our countries.
what happened in Iraq wasn't a result of the Arab spring.
They started to have problem after The execution of Saddam Hussein, as the new president couldn't manage the situation between Sunni and Shea like Saddam used to do.
Even the Kurds from Turkey are also heading to Iraq, I guess..
They r almost finsihed...all the once powerful arab countries Iraq, Egypt, Syria, Libiya are in turmoil now. Was the arab spring worthful??
What is happening there is so Tragic, sunni and She'a is killing each other in the worst way.
And Iran is supporting the Shea side and sending a lot of their She'a people to live in Iraq So they can create a majority for She'a in Iraq as well.
add to the fact that 2 million iraqi refugees in syria were forced back to iraq since the turmoil in syria started. that changed drastically the de facto demographic balance that brought Maliki in.