having second thoughts.. need advice

my aunt is working in qatar for almost a decade. she said she'll assist me in working for the same company she work for (Accounting dept.-i assumed). but later she ask me if its okay if i go there for cleaning jobs with 1ooo riyal as salary for two years and transfer me to other department whenever possible. visa is ready but haven't receive or seen it (am I suppose to?).my father wants me to go then find another suitable job for me in other company if my aunt can't really help me (would there be a problem with that?).
if until now you have no job===il try help you find accounting job pls call me 5570-9808
Hi, try from your country to apply different position like junior accountant, office secretary, admin assistant or even telephone operator or receptionist. You can easily find a job through job many job sites. Do not accept the job of a cleaner. I hope you will find a job with minimum of salary QR3,000 per month.
Hey bro,If you think you are as good for the of an Accountant,why do you have to worry your head and be an officer cleaner?
Advice for you is to hold on and emphasis more on the Accounting job from your her and the salary will be more than a cleaners.
I suggest you find another company. Why? You want to be assigned in an accounting dept. yet she can get you in her company just to clean? Have you heard about a Janitor getting promoted as an accountant? I don't think so. If you think you have the qualities and you think you are competitive enough? Then why not? Go out and explore this country. There are opportunities for everyone. It may not be easy, it takes time to get what you really want and what you really deserve but patience is virtue my friend. Nothing is easy and welcome to real life. I'm sure there are companies out there that are more than willing to accept you.(OMG! I am so dramatic! hehehe!) Yes, go out, explore and don't give up. I am not sugar coating, life is tough and you better start moving. Yala! :)
Good luck