Nutella Thieves

By Jack_The_Ripper •
Police said Monday an unknown number of culprits made off with 5 metric tons (5.5 tons) of Nutella chocolate-hazelnut spread from a parked trailer in the central German town of Bad Hersfeld over the weekend.
The gooey loot is worth an estimated 16,000 euros ($20,710).
Germans news agency dpa reported that thieves have previously stolen a load of energy drinks from the same location.
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I was going to tell you about the butter, but I think you will spread that as well.
Nutella with a bit of flour is great to bake in the shape of curly dog poos. They are a hit at parties.
Hmm, large quantities of Nutella and energy drinks...what kind of diabolical weapon could these Germans be developing? :O(
Now they need to steal a big piece of Cake so they can put all the Nutella on it
haram!! :(
I think they just don't like Nutella, so they stole it to throw it away :D
Lols...BB !
They will sell them...
Tomorrow it will be tomato sauce then day after it will be
...after a whole month they will open LULU
certainly more fun being a kiddo in this case ;)
Hey you kiddo!..:D
In fact my daughter and I have separate Nuttela bottles to ensure she dosent eat all of mine!
Lol fathimaH...hard to believe that someone can even stole something like CHOCOLATE BASED spread...:))
My kid loves it..she can have it everyday...she demands to give her EVERYDAY in the school...whether be it on BREAD or CHAPATI..:)
They can do a lot with it: spread it on bread, make nuttella truffles, dip fruits in em...but I most recommend it straight outta the jar by the spoonfuls! Seriously though I hope these guys are caught pronto.. The cops must have quite a job on their hands finding them!
By the looks of it they must run a "hot" goods convenience store..assuming they all belong to the same gang. First energy drinks, now Nuttella...whatever next I wonder!
yes brite very tragic news iam worried about the nutella stock balance in lulu hypermarket
Our ice cream man was found lying on the floor of his van covered with hundreds and thousands. Police say that he topped himself.
Stealth.. I hope this did not waste your valuable time ..
Had they stolen curry, maybe it would have been a big deal for you eh? :)
What the thieves will do with NUTELLA???
Funny news....
Spreading rumors again.
Spreading... get it?