Looking for a professional wedding photographer for April 2, 2013
Hi - I'm looking for a professional wedding photographer for a henna ceremony scheduled to take place on April 1 and a wedding scheduled to take place on April 2 in Qatar. The henna and wedding will take place in the same location, with the henna being rather traditional and the wedding more contemporary. Photography package should be complete, including editing, etc.
So that's 2 days of photography, about 4 hours of photography on the first day and 8 hours on the second.
If interested, please send some professional shots and your phone number to [email protected].
Many thanks in advance.
Hello there,
Do you need a Female or a Male photographer
I'm a Pro and I have an associate female photographer.. if your interested and need more info email me at [email protected]
all the best.
Please contact this person: [email protected]
or 66502017