Procedure for RP Renewal
Today I go to Garaffa Immigration office to renew my Wife's RP. The lady at the counter told me that it is not open and advised me to go the reception. At reception he take a copy of the application and told me come tomorrow and take token and go and stamp the RP. Is this the normal Procedure? I was told that when we go their, submit the application and pay the fee, they will immediately stamp the RP.
Can anybody advice me about the correct procedure
if you need any help please feel free t contact us ... we are PRO agent especial about all government Procedure .
Not open means, counter is open and in system she looked and said RP is not ready or Open, some thing like that. And in the reception I saw many applications for renewal. He is keeping the copy. My application copy also he put it with others. I think Now their is some change in procedure.
Yes normally this is the proceedure . Dont know why it happened to you . You mentioned they said it is not open today ... Go to immigration in soulk waqif . It will be done there as well .. Or messamire ( near the Waqood ) ....