While shopping at Lulu hypermarket this after noon, I was noticed one of the Arab gentleman is asking about "Indulekha Hair oil" to Lulu salesman, and I asked him why you are looking for the same, he reply me one of his Indian colleague is recommended for his hair falling problem. I have explained him about the this fake products and other cheating ayurvedic label business, and I have stoped him from buying this.
Dear Indian Brothers/Sisters please don't recommend such fake products to your colleagues from other nationalities.
Since this products are banned or not yet selling in India they are looking for Gulf market , and through Indian media's specially Radio which is broadcasting from Dubai adverting every 10 minutes and keep changing advertisement every time.
I am repeating this topic, the reason is any one from reading this forum and he will not go for these fake products, I am very much happy for that......
Banned Ayurvedic drug DHATHRI/ INDULEKHA PRODUCTS being sold openly in UAE/QATAR
Kerala, India: The government of the southern Indian state of Kerala has launched a crackdown on some manufacturers of herbal hair oil and beauty products after the state’s health and drug controllers found that the claims about the products were not true.
Three herbal products widely used by Indian expatriate women and men to combat hair loss and improve their looks were found by the state’s health and drug controllers to be not beneficial for users.
Following customer complaints about the claims made by manufacturers of these herbal products, Kerala’s Ayurvedic Drug Control Authority conducted raids in their offices and warehouses and seized products worth Rs5 million.
The drug controllers found TV ads of hair growth and beauty products of three manufacturers –Indulekha, Dhaathri and Sreedhareeyam – to be misleading.
The price of a hair care product is Rs 400 though its manufacturing cost would be around Rs 10, according to reports in Kerala’s media which quoted the drug controllers.
According to the drug controllers, a herbal hair oil, claimed to help thick growth of hair, was found to be mixed with Minoxidil, an allopathic medicine used for controlling blood pressure, which helps the growth of hair. The chemical used to control blood pressure was found to encourage hair growth among BP patients. Some pharmaceutical companies have been adding the chemical to their hair oils.
Cases have been filed against these companies for giving misleading advertisements and bringing out products not approved by the drug controller. These products are endorsed by Kerala celebrities, both men and women, including Thilakan and Lal, among others.
According to Satheesh Kumar, Kerala’s drug controller, steps have been taken to prosecute the three companies for flouting the Drugs and Magic Remedies (Objectionable Advertisements) Act 1954. The act prohibits promoting sales of products with the help of misleading claims. According to him, advertisements for Indulekha Bringha Complete Hair Oil, Dhathri Fair Skin Cream and Sreedhareeyam Smartlean were found to be misleading. Another complaint was that these products are sold at exorbitant prices.
But an official of Dhathri Ayurveda Private Ltd, Kochi, manufacturers of ‘Dhaathri’ brand of products, said: “It was only a normal annual inspection by the Ayurvedic Drug Controller and there is nothing unusual about it. The annual inspection was misrepresented by a section of the local media. Not all newspapers or TV channels carried these negative reports. There is no harm in using our hair oil or other health or beauty products. They are widely distributed in the UAE.”
The export manager of the company was not reachable and a telephone number provided by the company did not work. (see box)
“I am a regular user of these hair care and beauty products because they are endorsed by well-known actors and actresses in TV ads,” said Nandana, an Indian housewife in Dubai. “Many Keralite women bring several packets of these hair oils when they return from vacation because they believe the company’s claims made in TV ads endorsed by celebrities and film personalities.”
Dr G, an Indian Ayurvedic doctor practicing in the UAE, said: “Magical remedies are not possible with Ayurvedic medicines and normally I don’t prescribe these products that claim to encourage hair growth and enhance beauty. However, many patients seek my advice after watching the TV ads of these products.”
He said an Ayurvedic doctor cannot verify whether the hair oil or beauty product contains the ingredients mentioned on the package and that some customers are satisfied with the results. “They charge Dh 50 per bottle of 100 ml, which I think is quite high.”
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Hello, Cherukkan I totally agree with you. Well, Indulekha hair oil is enriched with the natural ingredients like Bringha, neem, amla and many more. I think the reality is lies behind the fact that the oil suits to someone and do not suit at all to some people. This is the only thing which I personally feel and I know many people have experienced this as well. If a product like Indulekha is manufactured and presented in the market then it must have some benefits for people. Without benefits and with disadvantages no product is launched so easily, I believe. There are two faces of a coin and so is the Indulekha hair oil. With some pros and cons, I believe the product is pretty good. At least for me it did work.
Hi All!
It is nice to see people share beneficial topics here for others not to undergo what they have witnessed.
Hair loss! I would like to say few words on how to control hair loss and rejuvenate the growth of hair.
Hair loss is because of what? Many reasons, symptoms etc.
We will get many reasons why hair loss occurs in a human system.
Based on the symptoms hair loss needs to be treated.
My basic understanding about hair loss is that, there is a disturbance inside your system, may it be your digestive system, liver or your genetic behavior. However, in today's world there is too much of pollution, stress in one's life. Hence, one need to keep himself happy or emotionally fit. Majority part of what you need to do is to have nutritious food at right time. Then you need to do some breathing exercises which can keep healthy. When you do all the above in a required proportion you will be able to keep yourself healthy. This in turn reduces the hair loss as well. No wonder if you are consistent enough in your daily life being balanced and happy with your family, your hair starts rejuvenating as well :)
Make sure you do not use products which contains too much of chemicals to make your looks more beautiful, however beautify your thoughts, beautify your heart instead.
Whenever your hair falls believe its going to grow again and you will get back better and stronger hair.
You need not pay for believing :) and it is not blind as well, its because you know you will get better with your health soon.
And any product will not help you beautify externally for a long time. So keep good health both physically as well as mentally and get rid of your hair fall or your downfall.
Good Luck!! :)
God bless!!
I have nothin 2 do with any products, and I am not a competitor or seller of any products, dear friends just type search in google u will have your answer , some of the victim's claim and thousands of same complaint also can watch it........
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Default Indulekha gold hair oil Dont get into the cheating it is a fake product
this is a fake product which I have used for last 12 months and there is no result, I have used it as the manufacturer said, but my hair continue to fall, then I contacted them by phone, initially they responded saying that I should continue to use it because initially hair will continue to fall for some time then start growing. But unfortunately, hair continued to fall. then i contacted them, they started drifting calls, then they started not attending calls from my number, I am fed up with them. Becuase I spend more than 6000 Rupees using 16 bottles and after than no use, now I have sent a legal notice to them, This is only by my uncle becuase he is a lawyer, otherwise I cannot think of spending money and time behind this. they show such advertisements with film stars, I actually believed what they said. Please please, please learn lesson from my experience. At least do a better research or wait for someone to get experience before you buy.. be cautious.
Here you go...The Source
soniya, It is not a fake product. OP is stating that the claim of the product is not true so don't recommend it to anybody.
metrocity, It will be better to give the source of the statement which you posted above to be more authentic and I agree with guilt that if the source is not given then it will be considered as a personal grudge or the cry from a competitor.
I've not even heard the name of these products..I don't care if they are fake..i am fine with branded hair oils..
Maybe it is good for some but not for others. Some say their hair have started growing again but not exactly where they wanted them to grow
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Metrocity, how can we believe that you are not working for their Competitors? Please post the source of the article which you have quoted above to make sure that your post is genuine (you were not able to give the source in your previous post also even though some QLers asked for it)
I won't even look at that .. I am left a few hair with me.