Which Indian school is better for the kids?
By sivadasdoha •
I wish to admit my kid to one of the Indian schools in Qatar. Which is better, DPS or Santhinekethan? Please post your comments.
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I definitely recommend PEARL SCHOOL, Indian School in Al Thumama area which is near Old Airport.
Very good teachers and Principal.
Our family friends have their daughter studying there and they are extremely happy with the progress and development of the child. Very neat and good class rooms with interesting teaching methods. Our son, we are planning to admit him there next academic year as soon as he is of schooling age. I believe their website is www.pearlschool.sch.qa and phone number is 44442555
go and visit Pearl International School > Newly opend but good one in Old DPS building .
DPS an Birla are the schools with high fee and so students come from high income families, more disciplined , so your kids get better language from friends. Shantiniketan is a school with less fees, but good. In my openion the school with less number of students per class is better. DMIS is such a type of school but you have to pay very high fee. MES and Ideal are schools with more students, but not bad.
You would be doing your children a favour by not putting them in an "Indian school" which like all schools back home only prepare them for taking academic exams and not really prepare them for life. You would do well to take the opportunity that comes with living in a foreign country by enrolling them in an International school which would give the kids a well rounded education
i thing Santhinekethan school best for kids.
dont know about shantiniketan,but dps,birla,dmis allmoreorless the same..older ones like mes,ideal have good reputations too..a few newer schools till fourth grade also oflate.mayb the difficult part is to get admission to your preferred school..though all the schools mentioned are like most schools back in India..not much emphasis on sport/extr curricular activities..only studies..busy preparing kids for the ratrace..would have to say Dps would be better than shantiniketan.
wish you All the Best!!!
all are best school goahead, all are giving well education.Best of luck!!!!!!!