HIGH ALERT ! ! ATM/debit card unauthorised transaction/withdrawal

Hi all,
I wish to alert all those with an account with a Qatar bank to be aware that your card may be used for cash withdrawals without your authorisation. On the 28 of December, an amount of **** riyals was withdrawn from my account. I was at home all day. I Did not leave the house at any point and yet my money was taken out, according to the bank, from my ATM in Landmark. No one took my card. I was not aware of this transsaction as I did not receive any SMS. I only became aware of this after about 4 days later when I went to take money out from the same ATM and requested for a mini statement. Today, at 6.40 pm at Lulu hypermarket in D ring road, I withdrew the amount of **** Qatar riyal from the commercial bank ATM. I am aware of this amount and the amount that came out of the ATM was the correct amount that I intended to withdraw. After having made this transaction, I got a text message alerting me that this amount had been credited from my account, as is always the case everytime a transaction takes place with my card. Now, this is the alarming part, at 7.07 pm, an amount of **** was withdrawn from my account and I got a text message alerting me to this transaction. I DID NOT WITHDRAW ANY MONEY AT 7.07pm! In fact, we were performing our solat at this time. Can anyone, especially with a banking background explain to me how this is possible? I called my bank and they said that it is impossible. That my husband may have withdrawn the money without my knowledge. My husband isn't perfect, and neither am I. But he did not do this. The card was with me. There is no reason for me to make this up. The guy on the phone said that only credit card online fraud is possible. Nothing else. They have state of the art security. I have accounts in Australia and we are constantly reminded of ATM fraud. I know this is possible. The bank has taken this up as a dispute and say they will investigate but not after I repeatedly told them that I did not take the amount out. In fact, the guy on the phone questioned why I did not report it immediately. Now, my husband and I were not at the same place. We went separate ways to Perform our prayers. After that, I took my son to al Ahli as he was having stomach cramps. There is documented evidence of this, I told the guy. It was only after we came back that I called them. I don't see why this should be questioned. My money is missing and they should focus on that. I don't think I am the only one that this has happened to . Can anyone advise me on how best to pursue this matter, should I change banks? Should I close the account? Please, I welcome any reasonable and sensible suggestions. Thank you.
You have to take following action:
Write an application to the bank highlighting all points and transaction details i.e. date,location of ATM and amount which you can check from your statement.
In your application you need to request bank to recheck and retrive video tapes of ATM in order to identify person who withdraw money.
In last send copy of this application to Consumer Protection Unit of Qatar Central Bank to pressurize bank and for follow up.
Dont recommend to go to capital straight away and discuss this first with the bank and QCB consumer protection unit.
QCB consumer protection will advise you to take legal action or not.
Best of luck and let me know in case you need any further inquirey on this subject
I have heard of ATM frauds in other countries and it is the first time I am hearing it here. However be alert on it. You should complain the same to Police as well as they should be aware of such crimes. The bank can find out who used the ATM at that time from their CCTV footage if you are using the atm in the bank itself but I don't know if they have any such measures for their atms in different shopping malls.
Contact capital police as well. Besides the bank.
Debit card duplication is always possible and the main cause of ATM frauds.
there should be the location of whichever atm the unauthorised transaction was made at..this should also show in the sms frm the bank that you recieved..as any atm has a camera it should be easy to find out if smbdy did withdraw at that time and day using the atm or to prove that your husband or you didnt use the atm going thru the camera footage..ask the bank this and dont hesitate to report this to the police..perhaps it better safe..mayb sombody within the bank playing games.
Something strange happened to me too the other day. I received an sms on my mobile phone which contained a 5-digit number and it said underneath, this is your password though the number I received had nothing to do with my visa card pincode.
What do you think this is?
If there is no reaction from bank, change your bank before its too late...