
By osamabawab •
A person came to my shop to purchase a material worth Qr.100/- & gave me Qr.500/- note, I didn't have a change so I gave it to my neighbor and he gave me 5 x 100, so I returned 400 to the buyer & he left with the material.
Evening, the neighbor came to me & discovered that the 500 note which I gave him was fake & worthless and he was correct, so I gave him 500 from my pocket to keep the good relation with him.
So here comes the question:
What is my total loss in that day? & why?
A- 100
B- 400
C- 500
D- 600
E- 1000
Have a nice time :)
Captain u impressed everyone here...GOOD JOB :)
500+cost of material = 600
100 Because I gave away the item to the customer of this value.
400 Because I returned this much to the customer.
500 Because I gave this much to my neighbor.
600 Because my note was fake and the item genuine.
1000 Because I gave a genuine five hundred note to my neighbor and four hunderd with item to the customer..
in all i lose qr 2600/-
can you beat this..:)
I already did! and that is the 400 I gave to the customer as a change and I kept the 100 but still loss because the materials was taken. Then I had to give 500 back! that is all 1000 in total! :P
400 - Customer's change - loss
100 - Your sales (Although you kept the money but you loss the sales of this materials) - loss
500 - Fake money so you returned it to your neighbor - loss
=QR1000 - total loss :P
jjh.. you forgot to add 500 that you took from your neighbor
so total loss will be = 500 .. SR?? we're in Qatar ...lol :P
Strom.. Oh, you know me .. i was just ....... errr
gosh gosh !!!!! i can see CL ... u r lost ;-) ...n ready to fail :-) .... here i see u r ready to teach nad ;-)
Yeah Tahsin.. I quit too.. lets go nad023 !! :D
Ahhh.. but this heroine is off to home with a promise to meet tomorrow, until then keep up the good rant.
Oh, im lost in your thoughts .. :P
but u look lost here Captain Lost....
thasin..Stop poking your nose (full of s**t, as you said) .. Im in a slow motion scene with my heroine nad023.. LOL :P
ha ha ha ha, maybe I do, what say CL??
U are my hero now, what more do u want?
nad023 .. nothing for me? *wink wink* :P
Granted Tah, vl write a cheque pronto :)
Strom.. but i wanted to Fail :(
Thanks Osama
u r also passed CL ;-)
he he he slow thinker here..
Strom .. I'm ready to voluneer for any kind of 'Test' LOL :p
Nad.. Finally !!
1- I got 0 from the customer
2- I got 500 from the neighbor
3- I paid 400 to customer
4- I gave material of 100
5- I paid 500 to neighbor
so total received is (2) = 500
total paid is (3, 4 & 5) = 1000
therefore loss is received - paid = 500
Got it thank god for CL
Got it,, note to self: Dont trust QL mathematicians.
Thanks LLR
see how he loved my comment CL ...it shows he is loyal loyal hubby ..... TESTs are not required :-) he passed already with flying colours ....
nad r u the shop owner? Dont trust the calculations we make here. ((: j/k
Strom..LOL.. how did you know he's loyal loyal husband.. did you put him in some kinda "TEST" to get to this conclusion? :P
Still waiting osama.
tah is a loyal loyal husband ..... CL but ur passwrod will be worth stealing ;-)
nad023.. then what about the 500 he took from the neighbor??
ROFL.. If i ever had your password for QL.. i'd get all the chicks from you and i wont waste my time on editing comments ..LOL :P
if tahsin is the customer then i will consider Nad023 answer of "1100" as the correct answer & tahsin u have to pay me back my loss :)
guys I am waiting for the answer to my question
what about the 500 given to the neighbor????
it seems that somebody edited his answer !!
tahsin: are u the customer!!
tah u wrote B 400 i saw that ...u edited it :-P
Tahsnin.. Which comment, one you posted on Wed, 09/01/2013 - 4:48pm
see mine.. posted: Wed, 09/01/2013 - 4:23pm
haha.. you're intelligence is my common sense !! :D
what about the 500 given to the neighbor????
its 1000
if u want easy way: consider that morning i didn't have any money but evening i have to take 400 from my personal savings so this is the first loss
then i lost a material worth 100 (given to customer without price)
so total loss is 400+100= 500
nope, its 1000 coz i said so..
osama, we need correct answer which is 1000 :)
Tahsin.. he already told us the answer .. its 500
and that IS the right answer.. coz i said so !! :D
he he he 1000 is it then.
1100 or 1000 .. make your mind?? .. No more discount?? :P
sorry 1000
its 1100
yeah few comments from few QLers seems like the same ....immedietly after the FUN episode.... :-)
Strom.. We're not fighting .. We're having fun...
This what you call fighting
CL If I am honest I wont consider it as cash out..but considering it as cash in has nothing to do with my honesty except I should call myself a dump as I did not check it before I accept it. ((:
r we gonna fight over here too ????? i had enough of fights on QL since morning .....peace brother
ROFL... LLR, Now you're taking things personal ..haha :D
400 to the client
500 to the neighbour.
100 worth products
LLR.. but you don't consider that fake note as "cash in" .. IF YOU'RE HONEST ! :P
Nope total cash in was 1000
500 from the customer and 500 from the neighbour
Yes but its fake note which u cant use it if ur honest..that is what i told if ur honest
clap clap clap .... ( hate myself for not solving it )
Yeeehawwww !!!
I spare your life, Osama :)
OK the correct answer is 500
Strom .. now, i thinks its 500
Total cash in was 500 (borrowed from neighbor)
Cash out = 400 (customer) + 500 (neighbor)+100 (Item sold) = 1000
500-1000 = - 500
Tell me I'm right, Osama.. or this will be a war :P
tahsin: i posted in funnies coz it is funny quiz u have a valid reason for choosing any answer but in fact only one answer is actually correct
yaar 1000 is reasonbale answer ...he said No ...i thought try for 100 ...i m good in maths ...or esle my GM will kick me out :-)
Strom.. you're so smart.. will you teach me some maths, please? :)
100 only
as u sold material for 100 ..and u have to return 400 in any case :-)
unfortunately NO
Osama?? am i right?
1000 if ur honest.
100 u sold the material
400 u gave it to the customer
500 u gave it to ur neighbour.
You sold something worth 100 + paid 400 to the customer = 500
you paid 500 to your neighbor against a fake note = 500
So total loss = 1000
wrong answer