This is how our Earth must have formed

This picture is only an artist's impression of what it should look like from a smaller distance.
LONDON: For the first time, scientists have observed the birth of two giant planets emitting gas as they orbit their parent star.
Seen by Earth's largest radio telescope, Atacama Large Millimetre /submillimeter Array in Chile's Atacama desert, vast streams of gas flowing through a gap in a disc of material around a young star seem to support theories of how the planets grow.
Vast streams of gas are flowing across a gap in the disc of material around a young star, The European Southern Observatory (ESO) said.
Astronomers studied the young star HD 142527, over 450 light-years from Earth, which is surrounded by a disc of gas and cosmic dust. The dusty disc is divided into an inner and an outer part by a gap, which is thought to have been carved by newly forming gas giant planets clearing out their orbits as they circle the star.
According to theory, the giant planets grow by capturing gas from the outer disc, in streams that form bridges across the gap in the disc. "Astronomers have been predicting that these streams must exist, but this is the first time we have been able to see them directly ," said Simon Casassus, who led the study.
I heard that the String theory is a new considerable hypothesis , but still can't understand how the Big Bang fits in the String theory.
it is said the middle part will consist of heavy elements w/c will form the core of the planet. and this very hot and small revolving concentrated pile of whatever heavy element they are ,will provide the gravity to the developing planet that will hold whatever may come out of it (or come IN to it).
literally, everything in the universe is all made of star dust!
Vey interesting, do marvellous is the universe without inventing fictional characters
I know but I'm still lost on what career I want to be honest, and I want one that would give me the opportunity to work pretty much everywhere especially overseas.
Thanks Blosted.
Chemical Engineering may get you a job in the Gulf in processing plants of fertilizers and aromatics. Petroleum Engineering has good prospects in Oil well heads and refineries.
The website is in Arabic so here are the numbers:
[email protected]
[email protected]
Yeah I thought of studying Chemical Engineering.
But don't know about the career options in that field...
Wow..thats news to me! Can you paste the link here? I would love to be a memeber of this institute and attend lectures on recent astronomical findings.
I have have had enough of oil and gas related engineering in the Gulf. It doesn't provide food for the brain anymore!!
Thanks mate! really splendid our universe is!
I was just reading about the Qatari scientific club, they have an Astronomy section , might check it out.
Do you know anything about it?
Blosted, this was for astrophysics-geeks like you..:)
" as they orbit their parent star."
It seems that the Higgs field works after all!