How "Not" to control Internet Access

Please be careful.. Kids are very clever nowadays..
California teens accused of drugging parents to get around internet curfew
Two teenagers looking for a little fun in a quiet northern California suburb have been accused of getting around a late-night internet ban by lacing milkshake with ground-up sleep medication and serving it to one of the girl's parents.
The mother and father of a 16-year-old girl in Rocklin, California, were in the habit of shutting off the home internet at 10pm. In order to get round the curfew, their daughter and a 15-year-old friend offered to pick up shakes from a fast-food restaurant, which they then allegedly drugged.
According to police, the parents thought the shakes had an odd taste and stopped drinking them. An hour later, the parents were asleep, and the girls were able to use the internet as they pleased.
The parents reported hangover-like symptoms when waking up at about 1am, and again in the morning. Unsure why, they bought a $5 drug testing kit at the local police station to test themselves. When the results came up positive, they returned to the police station with their daughter.
The girls have been charged with willfully mingling a pharmaceutical into food and conspiracy. The were booked in Placer County juvenile hall on New Year's Eve. Police have not disclosed what the girls were using the internet for.
A child therapist in Sacramento told the Sacramento Bee that while it is good for teenagers to express their individuality, drugging one's parents "would not be a healthy level of rebellion".
Silly things kids do...
I dont know who is more wrong here - the kid? or the parent?
Since yesterday I wanted to say it but ..
It may be shocking to those who are not yet dragged by their [ + 18 ]children to [ drunk & corrupt ] police stations / [ greedy ]courts / got threats by [ killer ] politicians.[ India specific ].
That parents did right thing by being first to report to [ good ] police.
I met 'more' than one parent during my 44 days 'homely' vacation in India who were subjected to similar situations.
I apologise for being [ true ] harsh.
That is how this world goes .. it is happening .. & you have to agree that 'someone' is guided / misguided and playing her/his part by taking birth & vanishing after few years of life .. Nothing is to be achieved by blaming .. damage is already on someone's lap.
Nobody or Very few [ aged 12 to 18 ] learn from others' mistakes.
More doubt now .. Are the parents learning either ?
Interesting point. Wonder what most of us would have done ? I would think that I would have talked to her first..
Eerm... "When the results came up positive, they returned to the police station with their daughter."
That's a bit embarrassing for the parents, isn't it? Couldn't handle the issue privately? Doesn't reflect very well on them but well, guess they feel that the only way to knock sense into their kid's head is to shock her with the police.
Fathimah, true that, unfortunately.
my classmate got hers from the bf I believe. Guess the guy knew someone who knew someone or the likes..Where there's a will there's a way I guess!
Yes, Brit, specially the daughters.
And when caught , They run away from parents' home.
Why did they have access to sleeping medication?
Are you saying that children are drugging parents ?
These foolish kids should be glad their parents didn't end up dead or seriously ill thanks to their selfish antics.
I don't have figures to mention but unfortunately it is happening in countless households in my place in India.
In 99 % of the cases parents hide their children's shameful acts / character.
Who's bf used to sneak up her balcony at night to meet her. Desparate that her parents shouldn't discover her romantic romp,the silly girl snuck sleeping pills into their coffee and even sprinkled some on their toast! She got caught anyways and is now happily married to the dude, but every now and then we'll remember her criminal act and marvel at her thinking!
Guess this girl is now gonna find her Internet time more controlled than before and has a criminal record to boot..boy was she dumb!