Driving in Doha

By newdohalady

There seems to be no place to complain about the terrible drivers in Doha, so I thought I would put this topic out there to relieve some of my frustrations. Why is there such a large population of rude, terrible, and crazy drivers here? I cannot even count how many times I have had to avoid a collision by slamming on my brakes or moving into another lane hoping it was open. I can't count the number of times I have had someone cut me off, flash their lights behind me, or give me a rude hand gesture. As expats, we are told not to confront anyone who is driving discourteously, but what can be done about dangerous drivers here? I don't ever see drivers being pulled over for speeding or recklessness. The ironic thing is that many rude and dangerous drivers I have seen pull out of the mosque parking lot, after praying to Allah, and then proceed to degrade themselves and others by the way they drive. What is the muslim equivalent of being a Christ-like driver?

A few months ago I was driving down Salwa on a Friday and saw a small sedan in two pieces, yes two pieces. The whole back part of the car was sitting a few meters away from the front of the car, and there were a few men in thobes standing around scratching their heads. The drivers involved were long gone by the time I saw it, maybe even dead, but my question is "How fast was someone going to have caused that kind of crash?" And this wasn't on some fast-moving highway. It was on Salwa near the Nissan dealership.

The other day a man in a white car (ha, ha, everyone has a white car here) purposely ran a stop sign, nearly hitting me, and when I honked at him, he gave me some very rude gestures but drove on his merry way. I knew he had run the stop sign on purpose because we made eye contact and then he accelerated to beat me through the intersection because my side did not have a stop sign. The road rage in me almost boiled over.

I realize that drivers make mistakes, but what I am talking about is drivers who are out and out dangerous, careless, and mean. There seems to be little thought about courtesy, collisions, or even injury and death being a part of the terrible driving habits here in Doha. I also realize that many of the drivers here come from countries that have little if any driving laws. I don't think that is any excuse for someone to be playing around with other people's property and lives.

Please, if you are driving the way I have described above, please put your pride, selfishness, and impatience aside before getting behind the wheel. Getting one car ahead is not worth degrading yourself with rude behavior. Changing lanes at the last minute because you failed to think ahead is not worth risking a fender bender or an injury and then hours of waiting for the police to arrive. Drive with respect, care, and patience and Qatar will be a much more pleasant place to be.

By anonymous• 14 Jan 2010 10:15

@ do7a90,let's be clear about one thing here mate,as much as there are good,courteous local drivers,there are those that blatantly break the law simply because they're on the "this is my country,rules don't apply to me" trip,it's not their inexperience...as for those that used to "drive a bicycle",1st of all,you ride a bicycle mate,you don't drive one,secondly,if you honestly think every Asian/South Asian here used to drive,sorry ride a bicycle back home,think again mate,that does hold true for some of the expats but not all of them & some of those do drive like you stated above but they're not the ONLY ones breaking the law,locals & other Arab expats do it as well,please stop being racist & state the facts as they are,you may not like the truth or admit to it but don't twist the truth to the extent that it turns into an untruth...please & thank you...

By qatarmedic• 13 Jan 2010 19:49



By do7a90• 13 Jan 2010 19:17
Rating: 2/5

My 2 cents...

I believe that too many drivers here are UNEXPERIENCED and dont know how to drive.

Some TCN's need to have a completely different driving test, everybody here is driving with the mentality that there still in their country, Qatari's are pretty good drivers its the other people that used to drive a bicycle in their home countries that come here and get a license and all of the sudden there in the fast lane doing 80 and get hit...DUH its all ur fault. Stopping on a main road to drop somebody off, what is it I think some people dont have common sense..Obey the traffic laws and have some common sense you'll be alright.

By anonymous• 13 Jan 2010 17:22

Well, you can just say this is one of many forms of "CULTURE SHOCK"... lol

By anonymous• 13 Jan 2010 14:59

sorry my post got posted multiple times... i deleted the content to make it look less of a spam ;)

By anonymous• 13 Jan 2010 14:56


By anonymous• 13 Jan 2010 14:55


By anonymous• 13 Jan 2010 14:52

1- In the US ( many states if not all ), by law, a grocery store employee is allowed having a Machine GUN and using it at thieves if they get to his store. ( a grocery employee is usually a civilian ) So, Yes, in the absence of Cops you have your certain rights to stand up for yourself man.

2- Not much speeding cameras in the US, Mostly cops with laser radars so it is more real time.

3- Condition of the car/driver? Cars have to go to mechanic tests every year and no junk Yard cars are allowed to be driven. Anytime anyone gets stopped by the cop ( offender and offended ), the cop assesses their state ( alcohol use, Drug use, retardation, etc ).

I can send you a link to the latest American driving rules for you to see that for yourself.

As to Qatari rules, maybe you are right and maybe that is why this encourages some to drive Much faster than road limit signs, which seems to be optional not mandatory at this point.

So, again maybe i am missing something here, if speed limit is 100 and i am driving 98 on left, a car driving 135 and flashing high beams to me, if i do not move to the right, and a cop sees that:

a. Is going 98 in a 100 zone considered going SLOW?

b. would he give me a ticket for driving 98 in a 100 zone because some maniac is driving 135 and want me to do a sudden right?

to me going slow in a 100 zone is driving 70 or less!

Not really aggression against Qatari people, just pisses me off when Arabs in general go to the west, they get treated equally like others and they sometimes SUE people if people show any form of racism against their dressing/religious practices and all. However, in Arabic countries most Arabs treat others like crap and expect others to go their way and practice their traditions?... i mean is it fair to you?

sorry to deviate more :

In Europe where Christians dominate, It was a big deal when they wanted Female Muslims take off their black dresses in schools, ( i do not support that at all )

In the University where i studied, Muslims used to wash their feet where other students washed their faces and brushed their teeth. When some people complained, the Arabs went on riots and got their OWN bathroom on one whole floor!

Point is: everyone should MIND THEIR OWN BUSINESS and always appreciate who is transforming your country from a desert to a nicer place where you can drive your Porsche instead of a horse or a camel.

I am ARABIC btw. But I like fairness and civilized manners, which MANY Qatari people do have.




If language did change since then, meanings of words & phrases changed as well. Written guidelines and rules must reflect the present.


By Super Cool• 13 Jan 2010 08:01
Super Cool

That's WRONG Tutor1!!! I had to attend court ordered defensive driving classes back in the states. I distinctly remember that what ur saying is WRONG!!! Let me first start by stating some facts I didn't know before attending this class. Fact No.1,,,The number one cause of accidents "in the world" is not being on cell phones or speeding or even road rage. Believe it or not it's ---civilians trying to enforce traffic laws----!!! That was a shocker to me at first but according to the instructor who was also a former Cop, it is absolutely the job of a trained police officer to ensure that drivers obey traffic laws and under no circumstances are you allowed to stop someone from breaking the law,,,so (((NO))) you cannot stop someone from speeding or block a certain lane unless ur a cop, needless to mention the Qatari laws clearly state that slower traffic HAS TO yield to the right far most lane. In fact I personally saw the traffic sign for it in some roads in Doha!!! Fact No.2 Traffic laws r made to control and curb drivers breaking the law but they r not means to eliminating violations all together,,,thats achieved through *****. For example unless a road is monitored on a point-to-point basis, speeding cameras r there only to control how much u can speed....I know it sounds funny but thats what the rules say!!! Fact No.3 the law DOES take into consideration the “condition of the driver” and “the condition of the car”. Examples, if u r driving an old junkyard car up a steep hill where u’d be slowing down traffic it’s a violation!!! If ur a less experienced driver and u expose urself to road conditions beyond ur driving skills such as sleet, rain, snow and (((and traffic jams))) u could receive a citation….btw. On a more personal note there’s definitely a BIG difference between a skilled but reckless driver and a BAD driver. A skilled driver breaks the law often and endangers the life of others but attains special skills that might help him avoid accidents. A BAD driver on the other hand breaks the law while being either unaware of the fact they he broke the law or he lacks required skills necessary to avoid any accidents. Look u seem to have a lot of pinned up aggression towards Qataries…..fess up dude whats the REAL source???

By anonymous• 12 Jan 2010 08:25

@ Scorpion-three,1st off,could you repeat what you wrote...in english this time please,if that's not too much trouble?...you didn't do anything wrong to me mate,you're just being a racist bigot,plain & simple,i know & accept that there are many bad drivers amongst my countrymen & other South Asian nationalities just as there are bad local & other Asian drivers(that's your countrymen i'm talking about in case you didn't get it),the difference between us is that i accept the above fact,you on the other hand are pointing a finger @ one particular nationality while knowing deep down that there are bad drivers of ALL nationalities in this country (the Philipines included),you just don't want to accept that fact...maybe you have vested interests in this,let me guess,your manager is Indian/South Asian & he gives you grief big time? & you therefore hate Indians/South Asians & see this as a good outlet to vent that hatred?...i don't know,i'm just assuming here,i could be wrong,if so,i apologize beforehand but let's just face the facts mate,as much as you don't want to,there are BOTH bad South Asian AND bad filipino drivers in this country along with some locals & some expats of ALL nationalities,that's the truth,weather you like it or accept it or don't doesn't change that fact...

By LeBaNeSeMaN• 11 Jan 2010 19:47

Alpha u said it all

The slower has to give way for the faster otherwise he will be fined.

By jeroenb• 11 Jan 2010 17:03

As a dutch expat i also think Qatar traffic is nerve wrecking once in a while. In each every country you will find people from all kind of nationalities who act stupid, and deserve big fines.

I will admit that i also close the gaps in traffic and speed up while entering a roundabout but it feels much better when i give way to other traffic to merge and when i signal to a pedestrian to cross.

So when everybody can answer my question with " today" i think traffic will be alot smoother.

Ow yes here is a little hint; Buy mobile speed traps and use video surveillance.

Deepest regards


By anonymous• 11 Jan 2010 16:02

Ha ha ah... Gaderene is so so affected as if I did something wrong towards him... Just I guest...he knew what I am talking about.... you are so funny..

Don't know, don't have the energy for you mate!

So lame!

'' scorpion three can swim''...

By anonymous• 11 Jan 2010 15:51
Rating: 2/5

alpha, i was a cop in the US ( Chicago ). What you are saying is wrong.

driving within the speed limit on any lane is allowed and a MUST. Big trucks and very slow moving vehicles drive on the left side as a conventional way of driving and in most cases have special lanes and times to drive in. You are NOT required to yield to anyone driving above speed limit unless if it is a firefighter or ambulance or a police officer. Any other normal car should not flash their high beams or hunk at you and if you do not move to the side this is NOT blocking. This is a fine to them invading the required 3-5 meter space between moving vehicles and putting themselves and others in danger, Add to it reckless driving, over speeding and in some cases Harassment. IN F1 and other types of racing without the speed limit constraint, yes you could get penalties for blocking others, but not on roads while you are driving within speed limits. Thanks for your driving manual offer buddy. The problem with people is that they just do not use their logic. Traffic Laws most of the times are logical with a give and take to the average efficiency.

I am not saying i do not yield to over speeding cars here in Doha, when in a zoo you gotta behave like the rest to survive. But knowing what is right and wrong always helps.

SO, you can claim as much as you want about your so called rules, but please it is simple for a child :

Speed limit applies to all lanes at all times! MAX speed is the Maximum speed allowed. People should drive LESS than MAX speed allowed in ALL LANES.

thank you sir,



If language did change since then, meanings of words & phrases changed as well. Written guidelines and rules must reflect the present.


By Alpha_Wolf• 11 Jan 2010 15:19

I feel no further obligation to educate you.


"A Wise Man knows what he does not know!"

By Alpha_Wolf• 11 Jan 2010 14:50

You can be fined for blocking as posted above, however you will not be held responsible if someone hits you.

It is possible that if you get hit the officer will give citations to both of you but put fault for the accident on the car that hit you from the rear.


"A Wise Man knows what he does not know!"

By Alpha_Wolf• 11 Jan 2010 14:46

Here is one of the Official Violations for not moving to the right.....

Failure to give way in favor of overtaking vehicle.

It is a 3 point offense that stays on your record for 3 years.


"A Wise Man knows what he does not know!"

By somwerNdmiddle• 11 Jan 2010 14:43

so lebaneseman, if i may ask, for exmaple if you're on the left lane (the so-called fast lane) and it's 100KPH only road and you're already doing 100KPH then on your rear is a car coming at you doing 150 KPH, he flashes you and you don't budge so you'll be fined for blocking?

as what you commented if somebody hits you from behind, you'll be held responsible and not the one who rear-ended you?

am i missing something here?

By Alpha_Wolf• 11 Jan 2010 14:38

In North America it is Against the law. Or atleast in the USA it is for sure. The slowest moving traffic MUST move to the right lane. The left lanes are for passing. If you like I can get you a driving manual.

And no people generally do not come flying up behind you flashing their lights because most people know the rules and follow them. When they see a vehicle coming up behind them the move over to the next right lane without flashing being required.

And BTW even if you are going 80 in the left lane and the maximum speed is 70 and a faster vehicle comes up behind you, you are required to move to the right and let him pass.

Hmmm it seems you are stating assumptions rather than actual laws and this is a huge part of the problem here - everyone assumes their way is correct and the other persons is wrong regardless of the actual rules or laws.


"A Wise Man knows what he does not know!"

By LeBaNeSeMaN• 11 Jan 2010 14:33


The left lane is for the fastest cars. if you drive at 70kmh on the fast lane then dont be surprised if a car comes and hits u from behind. even on the slow lane you will be fined if you drive at a very low speed (blocking the cars traffic behind you).

By anonymous• 11 Jan 2010 14:12
Rating: 4/5

I am sorry but in north America there is no such thing as fast lane and slow lane. If you high beam someone on the left driving within the speed limit, they'd most probably give you the finger and slow down...Logically, there should not be a fast lane and a slow lane when both lanes have the same speed limit...it is like defeating the whole purpose of a speed limit!

In Europe, Fast lane idea is inherited from Germany and it is applied especially in Italy, but Italian cops hold to their rules tight unlike here.

My point is and plz correct me if i am wrong: I don't see it as breaking the law if I am driving at 70 km/h on the left of an (80 km/h MAX limit) 2 lanes highway.

Remember this is MAX not MIN hehe..



If language did change since then, meanings of words & phrases changed as well. Written guidelines and rules must reflect the present.


By Alpha_Wolf• 11 Jan 2010 13:54

What you have described is illegal in many countries around the world. The left lane is for the fastest moving vehicles and the right lane is for the slowest. Failure to obide by these rules can and often does get a ticket.

Example driving in the left lane doing 80 in an 80 speed zone when there are no other vehicles in the right lanes resuts in citation because it is illegal.

The purpose of this is to provide for the orderly movement of traffic something which is completely unheard of in Qatar.


"A Wise Man knows what he does not know!"

By anonymous• 11 Jan 2010 13:06
Rating: 4/5

Because in countries with highways of NO speed limit, aka Germany, the convention is to have faster cars go on the left and slower ones on the right so that the non skilled can have a chance of survival. However, some people chose to translate this Germany convention into our speed limited highways.

When there is a speed limit: BOTH lanes have the same speed limit rules and people are allowed to drive on any lane within that limit.

example1: I'd be driving 80 on the left of an 80 (max) highway, some ass would flash his high beams for me, why should i go to the right if i am driving at maximum??

example2: I'd be driving 50 on the left of that 80(max) highway, The right lane is empty. Why can't Mr ass take the left lane if he is driving faster than me, knowing that both lanes have the same speed limit?



If language did change since then, meanings of words & phrases changed as well. Written guidelines and rules must reflect the present.


By LeBaNeSeMaN• 11 Jan 2010 11:50

Tutor1, some driving laws are international. They apply in Qatar, Lebanon, Germany , wherever you go.

The left most lane is for the fastest cars whilst the right most os for the slowest.

If what you are saying is correct, then why is it not allowed to overtake from the right side?

By anonymous• 11 Jan 2010 11:39


you mentioned earlier:

Other drivers ,and as nadt said they happen to be from the same country, dont know the basics of driving.its very normal to see one of those driving on the fast lane at 40 KMH !

dude, you are not in Germany, BOTH LANES in here have the same speed limit so THERE IS NO FAST AND SLOW LANE...Both lanes same rules. Rule also applicable in Lebanon too and most countries as well. Anyone by law can drive between minimum and maximum on any lane.



If language did change since then, meanings of words & phrases changed as well. Written guidelines and rules must reflect the present.


By anonymous• 11 Jan 2010 08:04

@ nadt,apologies if i offended you by the young lady impressed by locals comment,i only stated it 'cos you seem hell bent on proving that the locals who drive fast & rash are ok because they do it with "skill & confidence"...you did state it yourself "but when they do they do it confidently",that's copy/paste from your comment,so do tell,how else would one read that?...would you fault me or anyone for assuming that you're impressed by their law-breaking but skillful/confident driving?...c'mon luv cut me some slack here eh? i'm merely replying to a statement you made...as for the hospital bit,i was talking about yoing local kids who've injured/disabled themselves for life & who're lying in Rumailah's rehab unit,you read that as "So your saying everyone in Hamad hospital was injured by local drivers, well these two werent.", please point out to me where i've said that ANYONE in HAMAD hospital or any other hospital for that matter,was injured by a local driver,i didn't even address the issue of the non-driving victims of these accidents,that would require a whole separate thread,i was referring to these young lads themselves,once again,can you fault me for questioning your skimming skills?...there are bad drivers in Qatar,BOTH local & expat & there are courteous drivers in Doha,again BOTH local & expat,would that be a fair statement to make?...lebaneseman might disagree with me though,he can tell a particular South Asian nationality merely by looking @ them through his car window,skillful fella,he is *wink*!!

By nadt• 10 Jan 2010 21:15

gardene, "young lady imppressed by young local dudes loooooooooooooool,thanks for making me laugh today, it was a rough one for me. Clearly in all your posts you seem to know everything i wont even start to address the other comments. Lets just leave it at that, you take and skim what you want from my posts, and you accuse me of doing that. At least your able to debate without resorting to name calling, ill give you that.

By anonymous• 10 Jan 2010 19:50

@ nadt,locals are still human beings & they still drive vehicles that are made of the same components that the rest of our vehicles are,would i be correct in making that statement?...to repeat myself,you,me or a local CANNOT go against the LAWS OF PHYSICS,it doesn't matter how bloody experienced they are,you drive fast,you drive rash,you INCREASE the risk of an accident,very plain & simple,there's a place & a word for "skilled" local drivers all over the world(except here of course),the palce is called a racetrack & the word is a trackday when regular non-racing drivers can, for a fee,participate/compete with their high-powered road vehicles with all safety considerations in place & minimum risk to life...

As for the hospital thingie,you quite clearly skimmed through my post instead of ACTUALLY reading it,which is fine,but you need to work on your skimming skills hon! i wasn't even talking about Hamad Hospital for starters,i was talking about RUMAILAH hospital & i wasn't referring at all to people injured by local drivers,i was referring to young local kids who've injured themselves,sorry rephrase,turned themselves into vegetables & are lying in the LONG TERM REHABILITATION UNIT probably for the rest of their lives all thanks to their "skilled" driving,you're absolutely right about one thing though you didn't need to mention it,it's pretty obvious,you haven't seen that side of it...

The mosquegoer statement is just plain stupid,that's just being racist just like your friend lebaneseman who quite clearly is biased against a certain nationality so i'm not even going to bother replying to him...i do my bit to ignore the bigots incapable of holding a mature discussion on here...i think we're in agreement on one thing,there are both bad local as well as expat drivers,so let's leave it @ that...you wouldn't be the first young lady to be impressed by "bad boys" in their fancy high-powered machines breaking the law & speeding but doing it with "confidence",being a doctor & having seen 1st hand the ugly side to that so-called "skill & confidence" & having to listen to those young patients in recovery wishing they died in the accident instead of having to live the rest of their lives in their state,i don't think you would blame me for my point of view now would you?...as for the brownie points,you don't need to be a anyone basher,you just need to have the !@#$& to state the facts as they are...as for stating things through experience,that makes two of us...with experiences on both sides of this particular spectrum...only difference is,i've seen the "skill" in question on display on ample occassion,you however haven't seen the ugly side that i have...*wink*!!

By nadt• 10 Jan 2010 19:18

@gardene, i didnt say speeding was ok, but when locals do, they can handle themselves ive yet to see a local speeding and cause an accident. Im not saying they havent but i can only speak about my experience.

Last year there was a guy in a white landcruisersmashed into seven cars and my car was one of them. It was a huge pile up and made the news, and people assumed it was a Qatari, but it was his Sudanese driver who was car racing his friend 1.30pm, middle of the day with his friend. A couple of people were sent to hamad hospital.


So your saying everyone in Hamad hospital was injured by local drivers, well these two werent.

Im more inclined to agree with your last statement that theres a combination of dangerous drivers, locals and expats, but my commnt was in response to the gist of the thread that it was locals and "mosque" goers that are causing havoc on the road.

Oh and what is it with you and brownie points? Do i have to be a local basher for you to get off this concept! I state things through my experience, you can take it or leave it.

p.s careful lebaneseman, you might be accused of trying to gain brownie points here:0

By nasserqtr• 10 Jan 2010 12:21

call the police and give them the car num and they well investegate with hem

and always stay on the right side of the road

belive me im a qatari and i do that myself


By Dr.ShaMbaKhTu NikiChuRa• 10 Jan 2010 11:51
Dr.ShaMbaKhTu NikiChuRa

doha good doha is good i like doha

By GodFather.• 10 Jan 2010 11:29

It all about Education.



Derek Edward Trotter

By LeBaNeSeMaN• 10 Jan 2010 10:54

d-redd some drivers dont know why there are back mirrors ! women think its only for ckecking the makeup :P

By d-redd• 10 Jan 2010 10:50

heres a tip wen i drive most of time my eyes r on rear and back mirror atleast 3 or 4 tyms ,in da front i kno i'm safe so is da person in front,my fear r those land cruisers comin lightnin speed givin da dipper or maybe somtym play a gsame of bumper 2 bumper on da fast lane,

By LeBaNeSeMaN• 10 Jan 2010 09:15

I agree with nadt 100%

I think locals are good drivers but they purposely break the laws.

Other drivers ,and as nadt said they happen to be from the same country, dont know the basics of driving.its very normal to see one of those driving on the fast lane at 40 KMH !

By anonymous• 10 Jan 2010 08:28

@ nadt,as much as i agree with you on tutor1's language,he/she has a very valid point,"they do it confidently"???...so let me get this straight,ALL those local kids lying in a coma in Rumailah Hospital's long-term rehab unit are justified because when they sped up,lost control,overturned thrice,killing two other people while effectively ending their own lives,they did it with CONFIDENCE??? in case you didn't realize,"confidence" does not & cannot change the laws of physics,you strech a rubber band,no matter how "confidently",beyond a point,IT WILL SNAP,hopefully you understand what i'm trying to get @,you're obviously very impressed by these guys dangerous BUT CONFIDENT driving,but like with every story,there's an ugly side to that,one that you can see if you ever visit Rumailah hospital's long term trauma unit,stop by there sometime,you might,no,you will change your opinion on breaking rules & speeding with "confidence"...yes i already mentioned very clearly,the locals THAT ARE courteous are very much so,ESPECIALLY if you're a lady BUT for every courteous one,there's an extremely uncourteous,dangerous one out there just like there are dangerous drivers of other nationalities...i'm sorry but your posts sound like they're screaming for "local" brownie points!,weather or not there are any to be had,i wouldn't know luv 'cos i tell it like it is unlike some,so i sure as hell am not getting any...there are bad dangerous drivers in this town,local AND expat,that's the fact of the matter,your acceptance or denial of it doesn't change those facts luv...

By anonymous• 9 Jan 2010 17:59

anybody drive wth obey rule and make sfae driving protect life. a good driving is not impossible to all. "driver " is the the man who care and protect his life in his driving.

By anonymous• 9 Jan 2010 15:17

hahah good one, i don't drive like i write that's for shizzle!

for real tho, how do reckless driving and confidence relate ...



If language did change since then, meanings of words & phrases changed as well. Written guidelines and rules must reflect the present.


By AJEJosh• 9 Jan 2010 15:06

Tutor, if you drive like you write, then you're a menace to other road users ; )

By anonymous• 9 Jan 2010 14:46

I am uneducated? lol... she's on a role! hahah

what a brainless air headed retard you are.

hundred times rude and not one time an IDIOT!

you should report yourself for misleading others with your idiotic responses about professional/confident rule breaking...

why don't you bang your head to the wall couple of times, maybe your neurons will start conducting again...



If language did change since then, meanings of words & phrases changed as well. Written guidelines and rules must reflect the present.


By Ice Maiden• 9 Jan 2010 14:04
Ice Maiden

Welcome to the jungle...

Some drivers have the mistaken notion that the roads are actually F1 racing circuit and driving dangerously will win them the grand Prix.

With a lot of patience and a little bit of luck, you'll survive and eventually get used to the law of the jungle.

By nadt• 9 Jan 2010 13:26

Tutor you are nothing but rude, uneducated person and immature person(if i can call you a person) to resort to using these terms. I will not enter into anymore discussions with you. I have reported you to QL Administrators and will continue to ,until they do something about peoples foul languages in here. You need to grow up.

By anonymous• 9 Jan 2010 11:46

Is she high?

what do you mean they do it confidently?! They brake the rules with confidence?... So if i kill someone with skill and confidence that would give me credit?

Like how old are you to think this way?

please shut the **** up and stop your non sense Lady! they Let you pass maybe because you have a big rack, and fake blond hair. but if it is a guy asking to pass, they will speed up on purpose not to let him pass.

Most other nationalities respect the rules, No one uses indication lights because it is a cultural thing to just use the horn for anything in most asia...

stop making a fool outta yourself you meat headed clown...



If language did change since then, meanings of words & phrases changed as well. Written guidelines and rules must reflect the present.


By nadt• 6 Jan 2010 22:23

@gardene. I didnt say i havent come across locals in landcruisers or they dont speed or break rules, but when they do they do it confidently and in my drivng experience here they arent the one causing chaos or problems on the road. Its others that cut you off with no indication, stop in the middle of the road, obstruct traffic and display no courtesy on the road. I would sincerely say that most times, its the locals that let me through when i'm changing lanes or merging into traffic, maybe because im female, i dont know but they are very polite.

By twenty• 6 Jan 2010 15:20

Today I received driving license please could you share your first days driving in Qatar

By KHATTAK• 6 Jan 2010 15:07

Just forget your rights as a Human Being...Give utmost respect to them...dont expect a shit in return...try to be as "Miskeen" as possible...keep your eyes down...never stare back...worst comes from worst...if they even slap you on the face...offer your other cheek for another one...and that's it. You wont have any problem.

Believe me...thats the attitude they expect from you. Credit for their such behaviour goes to all the expatriates who came here in the earlier times...mostly of course were from the labor class...they bowed down to everything & everyone that came their way...got every kind of humiliation but never complained...they didnt know their rights, infact they didnt have any at all.

So my friend.....the only solution is to be patient... be patient... & be patient.

----------------------------------------------------------------Give me some SunShine......Give me some Rain

Give me another Chance...I wanna grow up once Again

By anonymous• 6 Jan 2010 08:29

Rules of survival for drivers in Qatar:

1)Beware of the Baloon Tyre Landcruiser (all colour).......and keep an eye out for the Speeding White Landcruiser...lol...its not very difficult to do that!

2)...and drive on the rightside lane (slowest) unless you want to go left or U-Turn then 500mtrs from the intersection get on the Left lane.

3)Never drive down the middle (if you are not familiar with the road ahead) if there is a R/A ahead or the road becomes a 2 lane.

But now after most of the big R/As have been signalized the problem is much much less...say down to 20%.

By anonymous• 6 Jan 2010 08:00

@ nadt & to everyone else,just so we're clear,i definitely don't think it's just locals that are bad drivers,in fact,the ones that are courteous(& there are many) are extremely so,they will stop to let you cross,give way if you're coming onto a main road,etc...those are the courteous ones but there are the other variety as well & there are as many of them as there are courteous ones,it's extremely surprising that you haven't come across them nadt,the infamous "G" landcruisers with the lowered front suspension,baloon tyres & wireless antennae,i thought EVERYONE driving on Doha's roads knew about them!!...btw,apologies for making the brownie points claim,you sounded suspiciously like the bunch of QL'ers who praise EVERYTHING here,irrespective of good or bad in the hope that someone reading it somewhere will someday recognize their "allegiance",yeah i know it's weird mate but there are a lot of weirdos out there,anyways,once again,apologies on that...@ SCORPION-THREE,experienced & confident driving & good road manners are two completely different issues mate...This isn't an F1 circuit we're talking about,it's a city's roads,as for bad expat drivers,are you implying it's just one nationality???...please mate,that statement appears extremely foolish & does nothing for a person's impression about your knowledge or lack of it thereof idaresay...fact of the matter is,there are bad expat drivers in Qatar from MOST parts of Asia AND the Arab world,it's not any one nationality,it's a bunch of nationalities & that includes nationals from your country & mine my friend,because you know how traffic is & how people drive back home in downtown Manila & i know how it is in downtown Bombay,so let's not start pointing a finger here when the remaining four are pointing right back @ us...fair enough?...

By anonymous• 5 Jan 2010 19:41

nadt,im 100% agree with you, it has nothing to do w/ religion,..yah i beg to disagree as well with the Mosque issue...nope,

actually, as nadt quoted "The Qataris are very experienced and confident in driving" and most of them are really really good driver, polite too...

you know guys, maybe, most of you will agree... actually I don't wish to mention, who amongst us here (expats) are the bad drivers...

Im driving here in Qatar for almost 3 years, and yeahhh...most of stupid drivers are from.... secret, yehhh...they will kill me here and its enough that I know who are they..

'' scorpion three can swim''...

By nadt• 5 Jan 2010 18:51

@gardene, trust me the people ive come across have not been locals. And i didnt know there was brownie points to win?

By anonymous• 5 Jan 2010 18:41

road safety life safty. so pls care urself in driving.

By AJEJosh• 5 Jan 2010 18:39

How many people have to die before people drive with respect for other road users?

By happygolucky• 5 Jan 2010 18:35

This issue seems to be discussed on a fortnightly basis now..lol

It has got nothing to do only with locals...have seen many many others drive like crazy... but have got used to it now ... BTW only a local stops to give way when I am coming out of a side lane on the main road or waiting for a turn... all others just don't seem to notice.


One life to live, live it to the fullest.

By anonymous• 5 Jan 2010 18:29

or the ugly trucks with 2 kilometer antenna ( short guy syndrome? ) hehe



If language did change since then, meanings of words & phrases changed as well. Written guidelines and rules must reflect the present.


By anonymous• 5 Jan 2010 18:21

@ nadt,THE BIGGEST offenders are locals in their fancy high powered off roaders & big sedans,they do it simply because they're on this "this is MY country I will drive as I please"...having said that,i've personally encountered MANY locals who are the MOST courteous on the road...some of them ALWAYS stop to allow me to cross the road,while a whole bunch of "enlightened expats" zoom past without a care in the world...yes there are Asian & Arab expat bad drivers on the roads here as well & there are PLENTY of them BUT,the biggest rule breakers are the locals ESPECIALLY the 'G' land cruiser with balloon tyres variety,if you don't want to admit it or just trying to gain brownie points,that's a different issue but please call a spade a spade...

By Stone Cold• 5 Jan 2010 17:53
Stone Cold

Oooops...do we have to start bashing out all the radical comments again. This related issues has been discussed few times before

By markopolo• 5 Jan 2010 17:43

There is only two(2) Traffic Law in Qatar:

1. Respect no Laws.

2. Respect no others.

Just think of that for your safety.

By nadt• 5 Jan 2010 17:42

Everytime ive seen a reckless driver here, its rarely been the locals, as some are assuming. The Qataris are very experienced and confident in driving. And im sorry whats being at the mosque got to do with anything. What is this quote ("What is the muslim equivalent of being a Christ-like driver?)There lots of drivers endangering peoples life, to assume its muslims and locals is just silly.

By anonymous• 5 Jan 2010 17:25


i think the main issue is the fact that people in here give locals too much respect until their heads got so big and they can not stand themselves no more. They look down to everyone and they way they drive is the biggest example. Why is everyone scared of them? they can't deport you!! this is bull!. Why do they makes us feel like we owe them when THEY OWE us for building their desert into a franchised land and now they can finally have their McDonald, BK, Starbucks, etc.

I am not generalizing, Many locals I know are very respectable people, mostly the educated ones. But i have seen some locals treat others like garbage and the others are the ones that say sorry?!



If language did change since then, meanings of words & phrases changed as well. Written guidelines and rules must reflect the present.


By Eve• 5 Jan 2010 17:21

My poor friend has been hit soooo many times, one day she was in the car repair shop and a crowd gathered around her vehicle they had just told her to take her car it was fixed and as she went outside and a crowd was gathering the man told her to wait inside, it turned out a teen had hit it in the parking lot. Another accident a man turned into her as if she was not there and her car was side swiped into a Porche I guess the old man could not see and he was out driving. He was turning into his driveway as she drove down the road, the list goes on. All I can say is for the sake of survival you need a big car thus LC's the hated LC word on this site, will keep you alive. Actually given how bad the driving is here I am surprised there are not far more accidents its true you start to predict the bad behavior as you have seen it sooooooooooooooo much.

By lilBoPeep• 5 Jan 2010 17:04

This is a subject very close to my heart!

Whatever you vividly imagine, Ardently desire, Sincerely believe and Enthusiastically act upon, Must inevitably come to pass.

By marycatherine• 5 Jan 2010 17:00

Like you, I can't count how many times I've been cut off or nearly blindsided. Traffic being what it is in Doha, I am often stopped near such dunderheads. I make a show of taking a picture of their numberplate and car with my phone.

Most stop with the hand gestures and mouthing off (in their car of course, not to me).

While I've never reported these incidents, I think it's important not to retaliate in kind - get evidence in photos in case it escalates.

My being female makes it easier for me to do so. As I can say I felt threatened or intimidated by a male driver. Also, being a middle aged white western woman works in my favour too.

Signature line > "You can't fix stupid"

By brin• 5 Jan 2010 16:59

It's pretty bad when we can now finally predict their stupid moves.

I just thank God when I pull into my parking space at home that I've survived another day on these roads.

And, its not just Arabic .... This western woman almost nailed me the other day and she even had kids jumping around in her car! Argh!


By snowflakeinqatar• 5 Jan 2010 16:55

I love driving around or justt simply being a co-captain with my husband but in Qatar, the fun of driving is long gone instead i got some kind of phobia being on the road here. Dubai isn't that bad but Qatar is worst. The locals in Dubai are different than here. Well... i dont have to elaborate as this maybe again be called bashing.

I have travelled far and wide but never seen drivers as worst as here.

By anonymous• 5 Jan 2010 16:44

Big transition from a riding a camel to driving a 4x4...

during my first month here, 2 drivers hit me from the back while i was stopped on a roundabout. Hand gestures, i hope it won't happen to me, cuz i'd stick his hand and my leg up his precious.



If language did change since then, meanings of words & phrases changed as well. Written guidelines and rules must reflect the present.


By soniya• 5 Jan 2010 16:36

I really liked the way u have presented the post about rash driving in QATAR...Its not a new problemm here..Even i had raised the same question long back..U can't do nething..U just need to keep quite and needs to watch out some really arrogant people..Thats the reason y i m still hesitant to take QATAR DRIVING LICENSE..Its better to be dependent on my husband rather then to drive on my own..Neways, be careful when u drive here...R u new to DOHA????

By labeledas• 5 Jan 2010 16:35

My wife was asking me about lane protocol to which I replied there is none.

and as silly as it sounds you get used to it, I can predict idoitic manuveurs now.

still drives me mad when they give you the hand gestures.

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