would i get hired in qatar
Hi all im moving to Qatar in a couple of day and looking forward to it. My wife has got a job so at some point im going to be looking for something to do.
Where do i start well im a im a football consultant also a qualified football coach and scout for a pro club in england 15 years experience, i have a degree in Design Management and have worked for myself as designer in graphics, im a qualified Learning Mentor working with children from 5 upwards having worked in schools and associations with helping thousands of kids and young adults. I recently was chosen to carry the london 2012 olympic torch for all the work i have done withing sport. oh and im football consultant and a black belt in kung fu and karate. Do you think im employable in Qatar. Would i be a person that could get hired in Qatar? or is my calling elsewhere?
you make me proud Palmer!!!! I didn't get to see the Olympic's but it is cool you had that honor. God Bless
Thanks mimi -from an olympic torch bearer
I agree Palmer, it is never easy to be home all day with children, I agree its not good for kids development to be stuck at home with an adult on a consistent basis, I tried telling that to my ex before we were divorced... he left me to raise 2 boys at the age of 3 and 5 to chase money in middle east for the last 5 years, while I tired my best to work and care for them alone with no family or friends for support to help me.
I did my best. nothing more important then my kids.
It is not easy being a parent, As a mom I have to be a Nurse, referee, teacher, cook, entertainment director, chauffeur,psychologist etc... then get up to go to my real job sick or not.
Just sayn Palmer until you get settled, there is nothing wrong with being with your kid's until the right job comes to you. Best wishes and God Bless
Jokes aside, is a learning mentor a teaching asistant?
Give it time. Once you get to know pwoplw and make contacts, I'm sure you'll find a suitable job.
Hi mimi
The home and looking after thing its definitely the womens realm and you can see why so many of them go into jobs which involve care ie schools nurseries, care homes etc. So much easier as a team. To be honest im looking forward to them getting back to school and when he gets to nursery its not good for kids development to be stuck at home with an adult on a consistent basis. As paet of their development its important that they be around children rheir own ages. All power to women to be honest, they are the most strongest species on the planet and other can come close. I take my hat off to all those that have come through struggles and still maintain a equilibrium in your lives.
Hi benson
Well so far its been ok i havent been out really. We were picked up by my wife and her boss which iwas great he showed me a bit of qatar and also had an experience of the qatar roundabouts haha. What was funny i said as we were pulling out of the airport looking to see qatar roads. And two minutes down the road there were two cars that had been in an accident one with front smashed in. So it is true then! apart from thatbit of scenery havent seen anything. Havent had a chance to go to the malls or anything yet not that the shopping bit does anything for me but interested to see the grandeur of it all. At some point will have to get out but bit difficult as girls not at school yet and i have an 18 month old boy. so to be honest not sure when i'l get out.
Hi Palmer,
thank you for clarifying that. I have also had better results getting calls for interviews through being on Linkedin, then if I have been through the usual places like gulftalent that is saturated by job seekers. Networking at Linkedin is great. I have been getting join my connection alot lately from ppl who are HR Recruiters, so as I am being told, now is the open market season to search for ideal canidates.
Good luck for you Palmer, I think for you everything in time will happen, as I am always being told, everything happens for a reason and to have and keep faith and hope that the right job will come to you when it is the right timing and just the right opportunity for you. Just get settled in and there is absolutely nothing wrong with being a House husband for a while ;p atleast in my culture :)
GOD IS IN THE DRIVER SEAT....sit back and enjoy the ride as he will never lead you a stray, God will show you the path he choses for you when he feels it is the right time.
From what i have heard and seen the discipline in most schools here are no different to those in uk. If not worse.
Hi mimiloves2sing. Thanks yeh its funny what happened is i contacted lots of people on linkedin and someone got back to me and said send me you and your wifes cv. When he got back to us he said they didnt have anything for me but something for my wife and the rest as they say is history. It was a bit of an irony as my wife had been saying long before we met that person that would be a great place for me to get a job. I have sent cv from uk over the last 6 months to various organisations but nothing.
Hi Palmer,
I am wondering now that your wife got hired to work here in Qatar, why cant you do the same job searching as she did to find work? In other words, how did she come onto getting hired? Don't you have the same contact information she did to land this job?
Why not apply where she did?
Good Luck
Simple, they won;t get hired because schools don't need to hire them. Waiting lists for schools are long....
Why are they needed? Shouldn't every school have one?
No merci why wont they get hired nd why you think they are needed in schools here
I think learning mentors are definitely needed in the schools here. Will they get hired? Most probably not.
Lol I doubt that many schools here would need one of them!!!! ....... Maybe in the UK but not here......the children aren't at school long enough!!!
You have insight, this situation needs to be highlighted in management meetings and approved for necessary action.
yeh they have similar people in work places for staff such as support staff we must remember that children are just mini adults without our height or experiences. They have emotional needs that need to be tendered to. These needs affect there moods and how they are in school and in the classroom. quite often as adults we think they are robots and they should be like us when quite often they cant.
I dream if that service available in corporate companies for adults / difficult workers even as old as 50 ..
there you go guys put me in most schools i'l help with kids behaviour. in the uk big problems with children behaviour in schools and the government have called for people to become Learning mentors in education.
Is that something you would look into - i dont know if that would work - but if it does I have two boys 5 and 7 arriving in November who would sign up for football coaching
Learning mentor: job description
Learning mentors complement the role of school teachers by working with pupils who are experiencing difficulties in learning arising from social exclusion, bullying, abuse, absence, punctuality and poor behaviour.
Learning mentoring is a new government-funded profession with all mentors employed on fixed term contracts that are consequently subject to changes in government policy.
Learning mentor job description: Typical employers | Qualifications and training | Key skills
Learning mentors work on a group or one-to-one basis with children of all ages.
Typical responsibilities include:
working with school staff to select pupils for mentoring
discussing the aims of mentoring with pupils
supporting under-performing pupils outside of the classroom
agreeing and writing action plans
making home visits to talk to parents about issues and to offer advice about strategies to deal with problems
liaising with schools, teachers, social workers and educational psychologists and making referrals where appropriate
organising and running drop-in sessions and music and sports events for pupils
aiding pupils with the transition to secondary education
helping pupils to improve confidence and self-esteem by listening to them and devising appropriate strategies.
Funding for their posts comes from central government via the 'EiC package for school improvement'.
Typical employers of learning mentors
Learning mentors work for UK primary and secondary schools (and increasingly colleges) and as such are answerable to school and college heads for their day-to-day work.
Prior mentoring experience is essential, as is experience gained working with young people. Voluntary mentoring schemes are organised by many universities and some local authorities. Paid job vacancies are advertised in newspapers, via the internet and in local authority jobs bulletins.
Qualifications and training required
It can be helpful to have a degree or HND in psychology or social science, or a national curriculum subject – particularly English or maths. Candidates will have to pass a CRB check in order to work with children.
Key skills for learning mentors
interpersonal skills
listening skills
organisational skills
problem-solving skills
communication skills
a non-prejudicial manner.
A tutor?
you know...like a "General manager of a family enterprise" aka housewife...;)
what is a qualified learning mentor??????
Excuse me, if 'that' lizard had the same view about you .. !
You are a genuine multi talented person .. Hope someone should take the benefit of our expertise , Good Luck !
yes i could combine that with being a highly qualified Learning Mentor i have heard that even the best schools in Qatar there are problems dealing with kids and their problems. hmmm
Try applying to the schools as a football coach.
benson that sounds great you guys have been great and so supportive thanks still i dont like the idea of lizards being in my house
EMAILED aspire nothing going on there think i might not be employable in qatar as emailed qatar football association and QSL stars league no reply am i destined to be unemployed in Qatar thats the question on everyones lips but not everyone just mine
Try Aspire Zone!!!
.....football consultant twice....guess you can start with the QFA - qatar football association and QSL - Qatar stars league.