Qatar lose 2018 Winter Olympic Bid
The Qatar Winter Olympic Committee have accused the South Koreans of bribery and have launched an investigation into wrongdoings.
The head of the Qatar bid is bitterly disappointed and cannot understand why the snow laden city was awarded the bid.
"cannot understand why the snow laden city was awarded the bid" - ROFL!
Summer olympics would be a much better bid, with the proposed air conditioned stadiums etc. 1st practice run in holding a world class event will be the WC2022.
Very funny lol :-)Qatar Winter Olympic Committee good one.
Qatar lose 2018 Winter Olympic Bid!!!!!!hai there is no winter in Qatar so they lost......... next they should bid for summer olympic .........
i guess you are right LP... i wonder how rizk will react on this issue... :(
This morning's papers are suggesting that this could lead to an escallation of hostilities between Seoul and Pyongyang - The French have been proactive and decided to surrender already :O(
lolzz LP
Well, this time they didn't pay enough.