The American political establishment for the most part reacted with indifference. Particularly noteworthy was the cowardly silence of President Barack Obama, who refused to intervene in the case. Press Secretary Jay Carney stated blithely Wednesday that the president had “worked to ensure accuracy and fairness in the criminal justice system,” but that he would not weigh in on Davis’s case because it was a “state prosecution.”
'Obama is on record supporting the death penalty, a practice banned by the vast majority of industrialized nations.
'This is of a piece with the policies of the entire political establishment in America—Democratic and Republican—which condones targeted assassinations, torture, secret prisons and the right to subjugate sovereign nations through the use of air strikes, invasions and occupations.'
Horrific as it sounds yes that's the most apt words to describe the case of Troy Davis. Specially in todays day and age where science and technology is so improved and sophisticated that one expects way more in terms of proofs and evidences to even imprison an accused let alone condemn them to death.But question is now who's going to ensure such cases will not reoccur? who will apply the necessary preasure?what with the great rise in oppresive powerful regimes killing and torturing their subjects openly, who can afford to point fingures and demand reforms?Its a free world...I think not!
the land of the brave and the free ay?????
You conflate two sets of different statistics.......I'll accept your premise that as a ratio of population the US incarcerates more of its citizens than any other country.But the execution rates are a different set of figures:In terms of numbers that we know of, here are the top 6:1) China2) Iran (though it is No.1 in ratio to it's population size)3) Iraq4) USA5) Pakistan6) Saudi Arabia And yes, I agree that the execution of Troy Davis was a disgrace. Hopefully it will encourage some States to outlaw the death penalty but unfortunatly I doubt it will be enforced nationwide.
EDIFIS - but where is the US number 1?? Read the article:"The US has the largest prison population in the world, both in numbers and as a percentage of population. The latest figures available show some 2.3 million people incarcerated, a rate of about 750 prisoners for every 100,000 US residents. The nation’s prisons are also disproportionately filled with members of racial and ethnic minorities. Troy Davis, an African-American, was 22 years old at the time of his trial. Cases similar to his are played out every day in police stations and courtrooms across the US. As of 2009, 1 in 10 black males aged 25-29 was in prison or jail."
What is common between Iran, China, USA, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Libya, North Korea & Yemen?
The extensive use of Death Penalty