PS3 busted
Hi all, my PS3's AV socket is not working, I tried 2 cables on 2 TVs but it didn't work so it's obvious that the problem is with the PS3's AV socket, I have an SD tv so i can't use the HDMI cable, my question is: is there any HDMI to AV transformer? If yes, where is it sold? and is it worth buying or is it easier to fix my PS3?
Appreciate any help from an experienced user
Baldrick: thanks a lot, i will
Daghfal: how do i check that? i don't get any signal as I don't have an HD screen. And I don't know anyone in qatar who does.
Have u change the setting in your ps3 to AV cable instead of hdmi?
please check that.
If you can't find it in Sofitel, try Bashir's in the Souq
Osman: that's what i believe too :) but I can't right now, i'm still in a temp residence, i have to stick to the provided household so that i don't have too much trouble moving out.
Venerate: thanks a lot my friend, i'll check them out
go to Softitel they can help u out