Does anyone in QL have any knowledge on VBA coding?
I am new to VBA but i have learned quite alot from google. It's just not enough for the project that im trying to do.
I have created a data sheet in excel and have made a form in VBA. The form consists of a searchbox, information boxes and a few buttons to animate everything. But unfortunatly no article gives clear describition towards the coding behind all this. Now since this form is just a draft to what i am doing. I have already got the 'Cancel', 'Clear' and 'Search' button to work like its suppose to ( not yet to what i want but will do for now ) now my main problem is that i have information boxes that need to be filled with information from the data sheet in excel. Now that is something i just couldnt find around in the internet. I need the coding to say' Yes there is a value in the search box and we need to find it and return all information about it and place it in the form at its correct places'. Thats one thing, another thig i need it to be able to do is to allow me to change certain data of this information and update it into the excel sheet.
I may not sound clear here but if anyone has the knowledge for VBA excel coding please PM me ASAP. I will gladly send any information that is needed.
Thank you
Yes I have solid programming experience in VBA
I can help you
give me your mobile number at [email protected]
i will help you
i have a knowledge of VBA..n i have done the training crouse also 2 years am not sure what u r talking i have a book
what apps are u trying to create? do u have any experience in basic programming? VBA code is easy to understand but then again, u need to know about if,then else and conditional statements, use of null on records, etc. this will help u formulate the logc for your apps use.