Create and Share
Create group for any purpose: communication with your amateur football team or sharing recipes
Qatar Cookery Guide
Hi there, as there are so many of us coming from all over the world, we should unite for the love
The British Club in Qatar
Qatar Scottish
All, as most are aware there is little or limited, to say the least, craic going on via the group
Greeks, Cypriots & Friends in Qatar
Greeks, Cypriots and Friends living or intending to come in Qatar join to exchange tips, info and
Qatar Auto Club
This is a group for all the motorheads in QL.
South Africans in Qatar
Sawbouna! Welkom! Welcome!
Exercise ▐ Yoga, Meditation & Reiki ▐
Self Defence
Hi, there is quite a bit of interest in Self Defense and Martial arts in Qatar so, this is the pl
Doha Good Food Guide
Welcome to the Doha Good Food Guide. It's the beginning of a great eating experience!
Malaysians In Qatar
To all Malaysians in Qatar Living, let us group together to exchange information, news, etc.
Qatar Movie Club aka MnMs
This group is for all the Movie Maniacs out there, aka M'n'Ms.
Qatar Construction
Welcome to the Qatar Construction Group.